This year, It was the unspoken agreement that this Costello clan was to have a family photo taken for a Christmas card. In years before, we have used a flashed out photo taken at my graduation, or one of just us kids. This year, I knew we’d get it done.
A week before, I received a message from my mom saying to pack my camera and a tripod along for our Thanksgiving holiday trip…she was determined that we were going to fit in a family photo since we would all be together-a rare sight with all of our busy schedules.
In Luckenbach, TX, a little Texas town near and dear to our silly family’s hearts, we took a day trip. Upon arriving, we reluctantly got out of the warm cozy car into the cold and wet day to take our family photo.

Trader Joes grocery store has the best evergreen bundles..we brought this one along for some added Christmas spirit.

Turns out, Luckenbach had some Christmas spirit of its own already!

My sister Keelyn is in her senior year of college at Texas State University and is studying Business. She makes my world more pretty with her designer/crafty/creative eye.

It was a misty, windy day with a high temperature in the 50s…much too cold for my surfer brother, Connor. Connor is in his freshman year at Galveston A&M..he is in the corps of cadets program which means to me that he wears a bunch of white outfits and marches around. He is studying Marine Transportation. Thanks for carrying the tripod, Tunes.

In Luchenback, Texas (along with no pain) there are chickens, hot chocolate, a dance hall that lights up at night, and cool sites to take plenty of photos of my model sister.

Here is the final product..Thank you family for making this happen! I love it and we will cherish this day forever.

We drove away …with warm hot chocolate in hand surrounded by gorgeous hill county views. Merry Christmas from my family to yours! XOXO, Kelly