Taylor and her friends were going to a church group dinner. As Taylor waited in her dorm lobby, she received a text from her friend Rachel letting her know she was outside ready to pick her up. At the time, Rachel drove one of those eerie white vans but knowing that it was Rachel’s van Taylor eagerly walked up to it. As Taylor got closer and closer, she noticed that it wasn’t her friend in the car.. but instead a man! It was John! He smiled, laughed, and said, “Okay?!”. After a year of friendship the two began dating. John’s wit and ability to make even the most dull of situations hilarious had Taylor smitten and Taylor’s kindness and beauty captivated John!
On a rainy May afternoon John mentioned wanting to start a Youtube channel, and began filming a lot on his phone. Taylor went along with it and wanting a cool location for a video, the two headed out to Enchanted Rock. The two hiked and filmed all morning and into the afternoon. They decided to take a break onto a smaller rock that was more secluded. As John was setting the camera up just right, Taylor waited patiently and cluelessly… John came back over to join Taylor and gave her a hug. She could hear his heart was beating fast! John looked Taylor straight in the eyes and said, “Taylor”, as he got down on one knee, “will you marry me?”!
Taylor was shocked and said YES! The pair even made a video to announce their engagement to family and friends. See it here!
John and Taylor’s wedding day was one I will never forget. From taking their First Look photos at a park by the river, to having their first kiss on New Year’s Eve at midnight surrounded by family and friends cheering, it was truly an amazing day. John and taylor, thank you for having me as you photographer. You two light up any room you are in and bring joy to the hearts near you. There was no better way to top off 2016! We wish you many many more NYE’s together!