Fall is here in San Marcos, Texas! The leaves are starting to fall, it has hit a crisp 78 degrees a few times, and the Fall graduates are looking forward to jumping into the river when they graduate in December-in true Texan fashion. Olivia sees the finish line! Graduating from Texas State University this December, she is happy to pursue her dream of teaching. A student teacher right now, she is already impacting the lives of young learners.
In addition to her studies and teaching, she loves crafting and even brush lettering. During our shoot, we bonded over the fact that we like similar routes of relaxation: Netflix and Friends! Olivia was a doll to photograph! I’m convinced she has the biggest, whitest, and prettiest smile I’ve ever seen!
Olivia, I wish you all the best as you finish your final semester at Texas State University! I know you will be a blessing to schools and in so many kiddos lives!